Channel: Mitchelle Morgan - Health & Wellness Writer
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How To Lose Butt Fat Effectively And Safely In 2024


If you ask everyone about their desired body shape, we guarantee that a few things will stand out.

Generally, women may gravitate towards a smaller waist, bigger butt, wider hips, and less belly, butt, and thigh fat. On the other hand, men will speak of a buff chest, shredded biceps, and loss of body fat in some places.

So, how do you successfully eliminate body fat, specifically butt fat?

Here you will learn five feasible methods on how to lose butt fat and get your bum in shape. Less fat, more muscle!

Tips To Lose Butt Fat That Actually Work

Here are  five ways you can lose butt fat:

  1. Strength and resistance training.
  2. High-intensity interval training, i.e., HIIT.
  3. Cardio exercises.
  4. Balanced diet.
  5. Healthy lifestyle changes.

5 Best Ways To Lose Butt Fat

Targeting fat loss in a specific body part is always challenging. Firstly, fat cells,[1] or adipose tissue, are all over the body. This means a decrease in the overall body fat percentage translates to the entire body.

Secondly, losing butt fat might be tricky because people’s anatomy and genetics vary. Some people store more fat in their hips and thighs, while others might store around the abdomen. Others may even have more hand fat than other places. 

Thirdly, fat cells differ. The two main kinds are visceral and subcutaneous fat.[2] Visceral fat surrounds body organs, while the latter is typically under the skin. Our butt area contains both types of adipose tissue in different quantities based on our genetics, diet, and hormones.

Even though losing butt fat might be challenging, it is not impossible. The following are five ways to pursue an uplifted and firm behind.

Strength And Resistance Training Exercises

The first way to lose stubborn fat in the buttocks is to start resistance or strength training. Both programs are closely related but with minor differences.

Resistance training utilizes resistance to target specific muscles. Strength training is a defined resistance training program to build strength and muscles.

A 2022 study supports that resistance training reduces body fat percentage.[3] The same research also suggests that it also reduces whole-body fat mass.

With resistance training, consider the exercises to include. Since fat loss isn’t body part-specific, losing fat as you gain muscle is better — and that’s where strength training comes in.

Focus on exercises that engage the three major butt muscles for fat loss: the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus muscles. The gluteus maximus is the most significant muscle located at the center of the butt. The medius is located at the top part, and the minimus is the side glute.

Here are some exercises to activate the above gluteus muscles to facilitate fat loss and muscle gain:

  • Squats: Squats and their variations engage the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Specific squats, like the split squats and the modified single-leg squat, are the best at activating the gluteus maximus.[4]
  • Lunges: Lunges and their variations are also great for the gluteus maximus.[5] Variations include walking or reverse lunges, which work well to tone the buttocks. You target the glute muscles better when leaning forward with these.
  • Deadlifts: Deadlifts[6] are excellent compound exercises for strengthening the glutes and hamstrings. They also tone the legs.

High-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training — HIIT — is an active, fast fitness approach that burns calories. High-intensity intermittent exercise encompasses rapid movements that help reduce thigh or leg fat.[7] Strategic alternates between short bursts of intense exercises and brief recoveries make it efficient at fat-burning.

To help you lose butt fat, do HIIT exercises like burpees, jumping jacks, and high knees. These movements raise your heart rate[8] and engage multiple muscle groups, including the glutes.

According to one study, HIIT exercises were superior to moderate activities over 12 weeks. They promote weight loss, reduce fat mass, and boost heart health.[9]

Cardio Exercises

how to lose butt fat
Cardio helps lose thigh and butt fat. Photo: Shutterstock

Cardiovascular exercises may help you lose weight and fat all over the body, including your butt. Some exercises might target butt fat more than others. Here’s a list of cardio exercises to help you achieve your fitness goals while targeting butt fat:

  • Running: Per one study, sprinting reduces body fat mass[10] by around 8%, decreases waist circumference, and boosts fat-free mass growth.
  • Cycling: Indoor cycling can result in weight and fat loss[11] and boost cardio-respiratory fitness and lean mass growth.
  • Stair climbing: Climbing stairs activates the glutes[12] and thighs.
  • Jump rope: This is a fun and efficient way to elevate your heart rate while targeting the buttocks in the standing position.

Balanced Diet

how to lose butt fat
Eating a healthy diet will help you lose butt fat. Photo: Shutterstock

Workout programs generally won’t work without diet. Consume the following nutrient-rich foods to support overall body fat loss:

  • Lean protein: Proteins[13] are our muscles’ building blocks. So, incorporate lean protein sources like chicken, fish, and beans to enhance muscle development[14] and metabolism.
  • Whole grains[15]: Opting for whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa helps improve satiety and decreases fat storage.[16]
  • Healthy fruits and vegetables: Fresh fruits and veggies are naturally low-calorie, high-fiber options that aid satiety and provide essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Healthy Fats: Sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil reduce body weight, fat, and insulin resistance.[17] With improved insulin resistance, the body responds better to insulin and breaks down fat cells effectively for energy.

When it comes to diet, remember portion control and hydration.

Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Lastly, make changes in your lifestyle. Here are some areas:

  • Quality sleep[18] regulates hormones and supports metabolism and weight management.
  • Reduce stress through meditation and yoga to help prevent fat storage. Reducing cortisol levels positively impacts[19] weight management.
  • Aim to stay active throughout the day, even outside workouts, to boost calorie expenditure and boost fewer calories ingestion.
  • Limit alcohol intake to prevent empty calorie consumption. Daily alcohol drinking puts you at a higher risk of becoming obese[20] and accumulating fat.
  • Pay attention to hunger cues and practice mindful eating to avoid overindulgence.
  • Maintain a consistent fitness routine and a balanced diet for lasting results.

What Causes Butt Fat?

Butt fat is part of the fat accumulating around the hips and buttocks due to several factors:

  • Genetics and body fat distribution: Genetics[21] partly determines where your body stores fat. Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to store fat in the buttocks and thighs. For these reasons, individuals must lose fat in different ways using different means.
  • Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as puberty,[22] pregnancy, and menopause, can influence fat distribution. Estrogen, in particular, encourages fat accumulation[23] in the lower body.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: An inactive, sedentary lifestyle can contribute to fat accumulation.[24] This fat accumulation is everywhere, including the buttocks. A lack of physical activity increases the risk of a calorie surplus, leading to overall fat gain.
  • Poor diet choices: Another reason for accumulating butt fat is a diet high in calories, saturated fats, and processed foods. These may increase body fat, including in the buttocks.
  • Aging: The older we grow, the slower our metabolism becomes. This facilitates weight gain[25] and fat accumulation. Muscle loss also occurs with age, which can further promote fat accumulation. A lack of muscle tone can further lead to the appearance of a saggy butt.

Effective Exercises To Get Rid Of Butt Fat Permanently

We did touch on some exercises above that can help you get rid of butt fat. Here are more:

Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks are an isolation movement targeting the gluteus maximus. Adding this to your routine may aid in spot reduction of butt fat[26] and improve muscle definition. The starting position is on all fours facing down, and you simply kick your legs upwards. You start with the right leg and follow with the other leg.


Step-ups[27] are a body weight resistance exercise that engages the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. They promote fat loss and muscle development. To do this movement, get an elevated surface and fully step up with one leg first, then alternate.

Glute Bridges

Glute bridges work the glutes, strengthening and firming the buttocks. Lie on your back, feet shoulder-width apart, with planted feet firmly on the ground. Lift your hips and return to the original position. Repeat.

Box Jumps

Box jumps are both strength and cardio training. They effectively work the glutes and burn calories. To do these, get a box and jump to the top, then back down, repeat.


Clamshell[28] exercises target the gluteus medius, helping sculpt the sides of the butt. Do clamshells by laying on your side, bending your knees together, hands akimbo, and raising the knee at the top. Repeat by changing sides. Side-lying hip abduction is a variation you can try.

Side Leg Lifts

Lifting the leg sideways as you lie on your side works the gluteus medius and minimizes fat accumulation. You can add ankle weights or carry a plate for added resistance.

Bicycle Crunches

These engage the core muscles and obliques while targeting fat in the lower body, including the buttocks. Lie on your back and mimic a bicycle riding motion. Ensure the elbow and knee of the opposite side touch with every twist.

Lateral Band Walk

You start this exercise with a band around your knees. Drop a few inches with knees slightly bent, back straight, and walk sideways. These target the side glutes.


Achieving your desired body shape and permanently shedding unwanted butt fat requires a holistic approach that includes effective butt exercises, healthy eating habits, an active lifestyle, quality sleep, and stress management.

Since exercise is key, incorporate plenty of strength training exercises like squats and lunges. You must also add a few cardio workouts and maintain a balanced diet toward a calorie deficit.

Don’t neglect healthy habits like quality sleep and stress management. These improve satiety and boost your muscle recovery and mental health, which are vital for lasting results.

Consistency, dedication, and patience pay off. You cannot burn all your butt fat in a week. Set realistic goals and check our progress periodically. With the right knowledge, exercise routine, and diet, achieving the butt you aspire to be is just a decision away.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes fat loss in the buttocks?

You can achieve butt fat loss through a calorie deficit, where the body burns more calories than it consumes. This leads to overall fat reduction, including in the buttocks.

How to lose butt fat when I’m thin?

You can use targeted butt exercises like squats and lunges, a balanced diet, and cardio. These movements help reduce butt fat and enhance muscle tone.

Can squats make your butt smaller?

Squats primarily build muscle in the glute muscles, potentially increasing their size and firmness. However, if you do not follow a healthy diet to support muscle, they may shrink rather than grow.

How to lose butt fat by yoga exercise?

Yoga has quite a list of glute-activating poses that may help reduce butt fat. Examples are bridge poses and warrior poses, which can strengthen and tone the glutes.

The post How To Lose Butt Fat Effectively And Safely In 2024 appeared first on NCHC.

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